

To provide an opportunity for ordained ministers to raise support and be paid for work they do in ministry or in approved charitable projects as an independent contractor.


The partnership is designed to provide a valuable opportunity for people who would like to be involved in doing independent ministry or working for an approved charitable project. It can also give these individuals the ability to begin developing a fundraising base for an independent full-time ministry that they might want to pursue in the future.

The Associate Ministers Partnership (AMP) is a program under The Joy To The World Foundation and will provide paid work experiences for approved charitable activities or charitable projects to individuals who meet the requirements of the program. AMP is based on the Biblical principle of 1 Corinthians 9:14, “the Lord has directed that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” AMP provides a means whereby ordained ministers may receive financial support for their work in recognized ministry. The AMP committee must approve the proposal of the ministry for which the independent contractor will be involved.

The Project will be open under the Joy To The World Foundation, which is a tax-exempt public charity. AMP enables friends, other individuals and organizations to support an individual involved in ministry through tax-deductible contributions. This program provides individuals who have been selected by the AMP committee to become partners in the program, to raise personal support to compensate them for their work in the ministry and receive a Minister’s Housing Allowance if applicable. The Associate Ministers Partnership functions as a mission agency enabling the minister to structure his or her own ministry without having to work directly for a church or religious organization. The ministry contractors, like other missionaries, serve as fundraisers to develop support for their AMP project. Partners may also use the program to start new churches.

The Associate Ministers Program (AMP) under The Joy To The World Foundation receives donations, keeps records of them and issues tax-deductible receipts for donors and monitors ministers housing allowance. The Associate Ministers Program pays monthly compensation checks to the ministers who are self-employed contractors for their housing allowance and additional salary.

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