Give A Man A Fish

Give A Man A Fish

“Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, but teach a man how to fish and he can eat for a lifetime”.  As wise as that proverb is, it leaves out one very important point, if a man knows how to fish, but he does not have a boat, a fishing pole, fishing equipment or bait, he is not going to catch any fish!  

Many organizations supply fish.  People are in need and these organizationsRead More

The Choice Between Doing Well And Doing Good

The Choice Between Doing Well And Doing Good

Today we have massive social issues that need to be solved, yet a tiny nonprofit sector assembled to address these significant social problems. The way that we think about charity and nonprofit organizations is wrong and we are undermining the causes that we love. Charity is the marketplace for love and we have handicapped our organizational effectiveness… Read More

Planning For Royalty or Other Income Outside the Church For Pastors

Planning For Royalty or Other Income Outside the Church For Pastors


Royalty income, honorariums for speaking or teaching or other earned income are generally classified as ordinary income and are taxed at the highest tax rate.  Outside income, like royalties, can fluctuate based on circumstances.  Many times, when the income is received and the amount of income received in a year, is generally not under the control… Read More

10 Funding Models For Nonprofits

10 Funding Models For Nonprofits

I recently read an article that discussed different types of funding models that could be used by nonprofit organizations and so I decided that I would assemble my top 10. The only real strategy for most nonprofits seems to be, “let’s raise more money this year than we did last year!” For stability, an organization needs to have a predictable… Read More